Dua hari ini KO deh. Setelah bertahun-tahun menghilang, penyakit lamaku akhir2 ini suka datang lagi. My blood-pressure goes down n all in sudden, the world just keep spinning right thru my head.
The other day when the last time my blood-press went down, my husband came up with the most silly idea. He refered to the fact that if somebody got "high blood-pressure", they tend to be more sensitive n being mad-easily over anything. So the idea is to make me angry, so my blood-pressure can raise n I can be cured..!! Ha ha ha. I love my husband, but frankly I don't know what the heck he was doing during Biologi class back in school ?? he he he.
Spending all day in bed, sucks!! Untung masih ada tv kabel, alhasil 2 hari ini jadi tv freak deh. Mostly HBO n cineMax since they got great movies going on these couple of days.
Let's see what did I got..!

This is the first time I watch Jimmy Falon, and he got me already. Remember when I told you that I'm not that kind of woman who can easily impressed by pretty faces? Well Jimmy (in his character in this movie) is all what it takes to impress me!! Simple ordinary guy, funny, his feet were right there on the ground, fun to be with (cos they never telling you how to behave), has adorably bad attitudes, yet has a very kind, warm n big heart. He's so NOT that metrosexual type of guy.
The movie is all about that cliche problem in man-woman relationship. Ben (Jimmy Fallon) is a favorable elementary teacher an one of Red-Sox freak!! For almost 23 years he never missed one game. Her charming girlfriend Lindsey (Drew Barrymore) is a successful executive. The opposite attracks. They make a perfect couple, Lindsey is able to catch up with the baseball game freaky Ben. She even watch the Red-Sox game along n couldn't help to enjoy it too. But when situation has to be the other way around, it goes harder for Ben. When he gave-up one game to be in Lindsay's friend's birthday, that game turned out to be the game when Red-Sox actually win over Yankees (something that don't happen in over past 100 years!!). Anyway, that costs them a split.
There is one line that impressed me about this situation, since my husband himself, is a sport game freak. "You love Red-Sox, but does it love you back?" one said to Ben. Ben got the picture when he saw Red-Sox's highly-paid player who eating in glamorous restaurant, while he n other fans r upset n sad about the lost that they got, many losts in a row. What's the point??
After living in a horrible life after the split, Ben decided to actually SELL his game ticket-seat to Lindsay's friend's husband. For a $120.000 plus condemn from all of his friends, Ben decided to quit the game for the whole season n being a miserable himself. Luckily Lindsay found this out, n stop it in a very hillarious scene when the two finally got back together again.
"If u love me enough that u will sell your ticket-seat for me, than I love you enough to tell you NOT TO!!" said Lindsey in wrap scene.
Sounds familiar problem, don't u think? Thats what I always try to do to deal with my husband's. Part of being loved just the way we are, is to loving him back just the way he is, right? I mean they way he is means, with all those "his" attributes.
"You love Red-Sox, but does it love you back?" I'll answer it YES. It gives spirit, it gives excitement, it gives joyful life, it gives something to hold on to, it even gives commitment, if not LOVE, what would you call it?
In my case, I'm not trying to say that I forced myself into soccer, no. I just can't love it no matter I've tried. But to be honest, everytime I saw my husband gets so exciting about the game, THERE!! There IS the thing that I'd loved to see. A man with excitement in his eyes, a man with something to hold on, a man with that joy n appreciation about something he's so into. I just love to see him like that!!
Tak peduli betapa bencinya aku pada hobinya, tapi melihat matanya berapi2 ketika bercerita, atau ketika menemukan t-shirt Persebaya kecil dan serta merta membelinya untuk Abe, atau ketika dengan semangat langsung berangkat ke pertandingan di Tambaksari padahal dia baru pulang dari 3 hari roadtrip luar kota.. itu yang sangat aku sukai!! Binar matanya itu, semangatnya itulah, yang membuat dia menjadi laki-laki yang sejak 12 tahun lalu tak pernah berhenti membuatku jatuh cinta. Tanpa itu, dia tak akan komplit jadi laki2 yang kusuka dan kucinta.
Well, the fact that he always tells all of his friends how lucky he was, having a wife like me who never object about his hobby or his "boys night out", it's surely a bonus... he he
Back to movie, definetely a must see for any couple. And singles too, for its such a charming, hilarious, funny, n touched movie.
And then I got this one too :

Jennifer Garner's muscle!! O..M..G..(forgive me God, for putting your name over this crap :D). I am so envy her body!! The muscles, the tone, the torso, everything..!! - I can see the guys agreed hi hi hi- she's just such a piece of work!!
With that kind of muscle, u can just kick the bad guy's butt, yet still look beautiful in a dress. Tell me how good is that huh?! he he. To me, Garner's face n expression, is really a real deal too. She can just looks so sweet, yet highly self-awareness controlled. So loose n soft, yet strong n dark in the same time. In terms of acting, it's quite a quality isn't it?
I would call the movie average, but that Garner's muscle? It rocks!!
2.36 pm
poor me...I hardly spend much time with the kids these couple of days...hikss..
Oh no, I got that dizzy again...I think I should just stop now n lay down for a moment.
You know, everytime I got sick, there's only one thing that I always do. Fight it!! I don't go to bed when I got cold symptoms. I go for yoga instead! Get sweaty n that way the cold will hopely go away. But not with this blood-pressure thing. Yesterday I tried to manage a yoga pose n all I got is dizzy n blinking in my head.
Or maybe its just the wrong yoga pose? I dunno, I'll have to figure it out later, since its been told that yoga can help us to deal with all kind of sickness right? I owe myself a research in this...
Meanwhile...I've got to lay down now...seriously... :(
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