Saturday Night, 22.47 pm
Wake up alone in my bedroom, laying myself down in front of hubby's laptop, watching Discovery Travel&Living Channel n drooling anything in it
Tonight is what I call an ultimate sleepless night. I can feel the sore right in my eyes, but I just cannot close them!! Been beaten for the whole afternoon by "all sitting in front of computer" activity while anak2 pada nikmati libur long weekend outdoor with neighboor kids, only make my backpain worse by now.
Sore tadi ke Pakuwon Supermal liat kompetisi n atraksi Copueira. Ini olahraga favorit suami banget, sekaligus mimpinya yang terkubur, cos by the time he felt in love with it, he already felt too old to join it, he he. Bak penjual jamu dia tak hentinya repeating his lists of "why capoeira is my favorite". Katanya (based on his opinion, his very own personal opinion if u ask me hi hi), it's a very attractive, acrobatic, exotic n so on.

For me it was so full of joy n spirit. All of them look so amazingly laid-back persons. Its understandable since for me, it looks like the most influencing part in capoeira isn't the martial itself, but the art, the dance, entertaining body-moving and indeed, the fun !!
Barusan kutahu dari seorang teman (via chat ym) sedikit sejarah capoeira. Katanya ini seni beladiri ala budak jaman dulu, yang tangannya dibelenggu sehingga mereka hanya bisa mengandalkan kaki mereka untuk membela diri. Itulah kenapa menurutnya kurang bagus, karena gerakannya terbatas hanya di kaki. Eh, tapi tadi kuamati, justru sebaliknya lho, salah satu kelebihan capoeira menurutku karena jangkauannya yang panjang. Mereka bisa menggunakan sepanjang tubuhnya (dari tangan yang terentang keatas tubuh sampai dengan ujung kaki) sebagai panjang jangkauan gerakan. Mereka bisa menjejakkan kedua tangan di lantai (handstand) dan meluruskan tubuh untuk menendang. Dengan cara ini kan panjang jangkauannya bukan hanya sepanjang kaki, tapi sudah sepanjang tubuh!!
Tak ada yang lebih puas daripada my husb's expression demi melihat betapa aku sangat enjoy liat copueira (jadi jamunya lakuuuu he he). Well, for I've always been able to easily enjoy almost anything, its not that big deal anyway, hi hi. But thanx for the date my dear, I really had a great time there.
But now u leave me lonely here in our room hiks...demi chelsea dan nonton bersama di cafe... It's okay, its not the first time anyway (n definitely i'm sure it wont be the last either hueheh). Tentang bola, well, I've worked my butt out as hard as I can to love it...but I just can't!! Another friend (via chat ym) suggested that maybe it would helped if I look up to those pretty faces of soccer player's so I can enjoy watching the game along with my husband. No, I've been tried, they just don't do any help. I'm not that kind of woman who can easily impressed by pretty faces.
00.00 am already...
my favorite pillow n blanket is still out there, in cafe cheering up for chelsea...both my husb's arms... so how can I sleep just now?

"The Naked Chef" show is airing right now. I love it! Not for the recipies they presenting, but how exactly the chef presenting it. I can't care more about the recipi for most of them came in western way n ingredients. But the facts that many chef in that show confessed that the recipi was something that came out of something simple, careless, even silly things that happen while they're cooking. Improvisasi memasaknya itu lho, sounds like me banget!! he he he very inspirational... Maybe thats why they named the show "The Naked Chef" for the first place.
"blom selesai ya sayang?" I sms my husb earlier
"ini udah perjalanan pulang," he just replied
00.15 now...
what to write now? my YM contacts have all gone by now. I can see one of my contacts is "idle for 1 day, 13 hours and 52 minutes"...poor him. He can't just go offline since he worked for UN (UNDP) in terms of 24/7 of workingtime.
husb is home !!
gotta go now, my favourite pillow n blankie are finally here :D
hope this sleepless comes to its happy end...warm nice sleep in my husb's arms...hemm...
You write very well.
А! 我只是想尽快作出评论说,我很高兴我找到了你的博客。谢谢
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